
Showing posts from September, 2016

Trustful manager

A highly successful Manager was going home in his car when he saw two men along the roadside eating grass. Disturbed by the sight, he ordered his driver to stop and got out to investigate. He asked one man "Why are you eating grass?" "We don't have any money for food," the poor man replied. "We have to eat grass." "Well, then, you can come with me to my house and I'll feed you" the manager said. "But sir, I have a wife and five children with me. They are over there, under that tree". "Bring them along," the manager replied. Turning to the other poor man he stated, "You come with us also." The second man, in a pitiful voice then said, "But sir, I also have a wife and seven children with me!" "Bring them all, as well," the manager answered. They all entered the car, which was no easy task, even for a car as large as it was. One of the poor fellows turned to the Manager and said,

Jio zoo

A businessman opened a zoo and made the entry fee Rs. 50. Nobody came. He reduced it to Rs. 25 but still, nobody came. Then Rs. 20...... and then Rs. 10, but still, nobody came. So he made it free and the zoo was filled in no time. Then Bhai released the lion🦁 .... and made the Exit Fee Rs. 200.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ . . Beware of Jio offer...😜😜😜😜

Mother Vs wife funny joke

A nice Article by  Amitabh Bachchan.... What is the difference between your mother and wife.. They both LOVE us, Both SACRIFICE for us, Both make us EAT more than we require, Both make our house into HOME, Both PRAY for us, Both are ALWAYS there for us, Both LIVE for us then why do... we post/say funny jokes about wife and Laugh & always post respectable quote for mother... The only difference i can see is one brings you into the world... and other makes YOU her world, but men always take their wives for granted & often ignore them in important talks, matters,decisions, Plannings etc...because they think that they are in-efficient to handle them... Dear men it's True that your mother sacrifices to make you become a Leader but a wife sacrifices to maintain your Leadership... your mother gets your affection and care throughout her Life:but a wife gets your full attention only when she is near the end of her Life... waiting to get your Certification of her soulm

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi & Teacher's Day

To all the view's of POSITIVE THOUGHTS. we wishing you and your family a happy Ganesh Chaturthi. To all the teachers on this special day of Sept. 5th remembering you.. wishing you a happy teachers day.